Communitycerita | weirdkaya original
Communitycerita | weirdkaya original

My story, your story, OUR story. We share interesting stories within the Malaysian community.

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Getting judged over and over again, but she never stops fighting for the voiceless.
Leaving home isn’t easy, but it’s often the first step to finding who you’re meant to be.
She was featured on Hermès Paris private showcasing, being the only Chinese face in that batch.
"We're one big family, and learning other languages pulls us closer together."
They said they usually spend RM70K every time they go for kapcai rides.
He decided to start the journey as he was bored and says its easy.
With a bit of determination and a sprinkle of local flavour, you can really “make it big”.
Teaching, it turned out, was his calling, even if he hadn’t seen it coming.
We have everything but never grateful, he has nothing but is very grateful.
"If you can’t help or don’t like dogs, the least you can do is not harm them."
She also said that being rejected by pre-u is not the end of the world.
Communitycerita | weirdkaya original
Communitycerita | weirdkaya original

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Communitycerita | weirdkaya original

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Communitycerita | weirdkaya original

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